Pneumonitis – Grade 1

Management escalation pathway

Consider delay of treatment

  • Monitor Symptoms every 2-3 weeks
  • When worsening: treat as grade 2 or 3-4

Assessment and Investigations

  • Chest X-Ray
  • Regular blood analysis including CRP
  • Consider sputum sample and screening for viral, opportunistic or specific bacterial infections (mycoplasma, legionella) depending on the clinical contact
Check in medical history
  • Underlying cardiac or respiratory disease: pulmonary hypertension, connective tissue disease (eg preexisting interstitial lung disease)
  • Past or ongoing infectious diseases: HIV, Influenza, Mycobacterium Tuberculosis exposure
  • Smoking, travel and allergens history (including exposure to home occupational aeroallergens)
Differential Diagnosis
  • Other causes of pneumonia (including atypical pneumonia, Pneumocystis Jirovicei, Tuberculosis, …)
  • Carcinomatous lymphangitis
  • Pulmonary oedema
  • Pulmonary emboli
  • Sarcoidosis
Steroid weaning upon symptom control
  • Grade 2: wean oral steroids over at least 6 weeks, titrate to symptoms
  • Grade 3/4: wean steroids over at least 8 weeks, check evolution with CT scan

Caution during steroid treatment:

  • Calcium & vitamin D supplementation as per local guidelines
  • Pneumocystis prophylaxis to be considered: Cotrimoxazol 480mg 3 times a week
Restart immunotherapy
  • Should be discussed multidisciplinary among oncologist and pneumologist  patient should be included in risk assessment (only 7 out 10 cases of pneumonitis had a relaps of pneumonitis upon ICPI restart
  • Only indicated once steroids are completely weaned and CT lung is completely cleared


ICPi: Immune Checkpoint Blockade Inhibition
ARDS: Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
CRP: C Reactive Protein
ULN: Upper Limit of Normal
TFT: Thyroid Function Test
TCLO: Transfer Factor for Carbon Monoxide
MMF: Mycophenolate mofetil