Colitis – Grade 2

Management escalation pathway

Withhold administration of ICPI

Low Risk

• Normal BP and pulse
• Body temperature <37°C
• Weight loss <2kg
• No anemia (Hb >9g/dl) or drop of Hb by >2g/dl as compared to previous value)
• No or minor abdominal discomfort
• Normal kidney function (CrCl >40 ml/min)
• No other indications of severity or comorbidities that increase the risk for complications (e.g. diabetes mellitus, cardiopathy)


Medium risk

• Low BP (<100/60) and tachycardia (>100/min)
• Body temperature >37°C
• Weight loss >2kg
• Anemia (Hb <9g/dl) or drop of Hb by >2g/dl (as
compared to previous value)
• Moderate or severe abdominal pain
• Decreased kidney function (CrCl <40 ml/min)
• Other indications of severity or comorbidities that
increase the risk for complications (e.g. diabetes
mellitus, cardiopathy)



H: Hematology
C: Chemistry
ICPi: Immune Checkpoint Blockade Inhibition
Hb: Hemoglobin
CRP: C Reactive Protein
BP: Blood Pressure